Tag Archives: DD/lg


Recently I stumbled upon a few blogs that explore the Daddy Dom/little girl dynamic. I have to admit, I’ve never really been interested in it myself and I don’t see myself converting anytime soon but Daddy Vinnie‘s, Lolita‘s and boundobedience‘s blogs make for interesting reads. (Plus boundobedience has the cutest pictures and gifs ever. kittens galore! =^.^=)

They’ve also given me stuff to think about. Whilst I do not identify as a little, and probably never will, I’m beginning to think that I do have some little tendencies in the sense that I love being taken care of. I love and need M to take care of me and to protect – maybe more so than he realises sometimes. Sometimes, I just want to be held and be told what to do, even the simplest things like going to shower or doing my work. Last night, I was curled up in bed after saying good night to M and it was raining/hailing really heavily and made an awful racket on the roof of the conservartory (which my room is above) and I sorta felt scared (even thought I wouldn’t normally) and wanted M there to give me snuggles and protect me. I don’t know whether that was just an effect of reading DD/lg themed blogs before I went to bed or what but it was interesting. I also need structure in my life – it was a big shock to go from boarding school to being back home for sixth form with no set time to do my work to university where nobody tells you what the hell to do, nevermind when to do it!

Maybe it’s just me not wanting to grow up at the moment and wanting to cling onto something that means I don’t have to take responsibility. Perhaps it’s a knock-on effect of always being the youngest in my year so I’ve always been somewhat babied by my friends. Or maybe it’s just my nature to be a mischievous, almost child-like submissive when I’m comfortable. (Seriously, my housemates always say “you’re such a child!” One of them even mock pretends to tell me off sometimes haha) I don’t really know.

The DD/lg dynamic isn’t really something I would normally give much thought about and I guess I didn’t really understand it before but the three blogs I mentioned above really do portray the dynamic in a beautiful way.

The dynamic between me and M is quite playful sometimes and serious other times where M demands and expects complete obedience from me and any disobedience is not tolerated in the slightest. (Note to self: must stop scratching eczema or I won’t be able to sit down properly when I get back to uni…) Lately, I’d say our dynamic has gotten a little more serious than it has been in the past in that we’re both more focussed when we play and M dominates me (when appropriate) outside of play too since I am no longer just a bedroom submissive.

Well, I’ve certainly had lots to think about recently…still want snuggles from M though…hmm…

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